Nationality and Citizenship Law

This website and its posts contain  articles and information about nationality and citizenship. There is a focus on British nationality law and British citizenship. However  there is also separate consideration of EU citizenship, Statelessness, dual/multiple nationality, acquisition of nationality, and loss of nationality. The topics are of of UK, European and global interest.The full list of topics is as follows:

  • Acquisition of Nationality (automatic acquisition, naturalisation, registration)
  • Loss of Nationality
  • Dual/Multiple Citizenship
  • Statelessness
  • EU Citizenship
  • Nationality in International Law
  • British Nationality, including
  1. British citizenship (BC)
  2. British overseas territories citizenship (BOTC)
  3. British Overseas citizenship (BOC)
  4. British National (Overseas) (BN(O)) status
  5. British subject (BS) status, and
  6. British Protection Person (BPP) status.

The site is administered  by myself, Adrian Berry. I am a barrister working in  London in the field of nationality and migration law. My details may be found here. I can be contacted at

The contributors to the posts on this site other than myself are drawn from lawyers, academics and advisors from the across the world of citizenship, nationality and statelessness law.



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